Courses and Workshops

The Power of Self Love: Learn to Truly Love Yourself

Learn to truly love yourself through exploring and enhancing your self-care practices, inner voice, boundaries, and communication style.

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The Power of Self Love: Learn to Know and Love the Real You

Learn to know the real you through exploring and enhancing your stress management practices, individual interests and values, and self acceptance.

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The Power of Self Love:

Learn to Truly Love Yourself - Testimonials


"I am always looking for avenues to self improvement so that I can live my best life. This workshop gave me tools to learn how to love myself and put myself as a priority when living my best life. The strategies I learned during the workshop are ones that I was easily able to implement immediately into my day-to-day life. I look forward to seeing how my life will be as I learn to love myself and put me at the top of my priorities. Thank you Jill and Kristi for sharing how to start doing this."

- Melissa 


"The workshop was a great interactive, inclusive and a safe space for delving into personal issues with practical guidance for inner work."

- Shelleigh

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